Have you ever been one of those people who say ‘one day i will…..’ fill in the blank! This was me for a long time. I would always say that one day i will move to the country. Being someone who was born and raised in Sydneys outskirt suburbs, i was never close enough to the country or the city to be in either. After living in the inner west for over 10 years with my studio that i love for the last 6 years, Covid hit and i really started to think, is this where i want to be right now and the answer became no.

So i am going to tell you a little bit of my story over the past few months and how i came to pack up and move to the Southern Highlands.

I have been teaching at Sturt Craft Centre in Mittagong for the last 5 years and have been commuting from Sydney (1 hour 10 min drive) a couple of days a week. Some people gawk at that amount of driving, but i actually enjoyed putting on an audiobook and cruising down the highway. Getting out of the car, i was always greeted with a big breathe of fresh air that you never get in Sydney.

My dream life has always had the image of rolling hills in the background so this move is one step closer to me realising this vision and also a big test as to if i will be missing the inner west and all the culture i have so loved for so long.

When Covid hit, everyone in small business were freaking out. So much of our livelihood has been to be at markets to sell our wears. Once all the markets shut down, then my teaching stopped too, it was a bleak time for my business. But i was not freaking out like some of my friends. I thought, this is meant to be what it will be and relaxed into the flow of the next few months.

As i had to move back in with my Father for a couple of months to find out what that next move would be, I was still relaxed as to what the future would hold for me. This big shake up gave me the perspective that, i shouldn’t just say ‘one day…’ i should just go and do it.

Things all fell into place and i found a cute house in Mittagong (now a 2 min drive to teaching!!) and i have enough space to do all the things i love. I now have a reading room! And i have a beautiful sunroom studio which is where i am currently sitting writing this blog.

There are bird noises all around, there are flowers sprouting in the garden and the air is fresh. It is the calm i was searching for and i am so looking forward to the next adventure in this place and i hope you are all ready to go on this journey with me.

We never know how our lives can change and do so quite quickly. One thing i have really learnt over the years is that the tighter you try to hold on to something, the quicker it falls through your hands. Relax and let it flow and know that the universe gives only gives you what you can handle.

I would love to hear your transformative stories so please email me at asilvercircledesign@gmail.com

xx Corinne