A Silver Circle

She has finally arrived! This Collection has been something on my mind for some time and I am so glad it has come to fruition in such a beautiful way. The process of inspiration and design is something i love to explore and love to read about how others explore this process, so this months blog is all about the meaning and exploration of design for the Moon Drop Collection.

I have always been fascinated by the Moon and it’s cycles. From its influence on the tides, to growing plants (see any Farmer’s Almanac), to how the energies affect our daily lives. This practice i have been exploring along with a group of friends who i share my learnings with. For over a year we have been following the Moon Cycles each new and full moon and tapping into intention setting at the New Moon and releasing at the Full Moon. It has been a great way to connect regularly and support each other to grow and evolve in new ways.

This year I have stepped up that study and have been diving deep into Astrology with a Mystic Astrologer Apprenticeship. It has been such a ride and as it is coming to an end as i post this blog, it has been such an exploration of learning and tapping into my intuition and i love that this piece is a symbol of this time of my life.

The Moon Drop has been in the back of my mind this year as I have been exploring this topic. I wanted to create a piece that symbolised the journey of learning and how much influence the planets can have in our lives.

The Moon symbolises the starting off point of my learning and it being the influential mother who is guiding us in our everyday lives, making us change and evolve. The Moon in Astrology is a feminine energy representing our emotions and feelings. Silver is always associated with the moon and the feminine so I love that connection to my material of choice.

There is a saying related to Astrology ‘as above, so below’ and this is in reference to what is happening with the planets above us have an impact on us on earth. The grounding Drop part of this design is about that ‘so below’ aspect and how we are impacted by the planets. The Drop is also a symbol of grounding and securing our energy to the earth to help support us and hold us as we ride the tides of these planetary influences.

Choosing to integrate crystals/stones in the collection was also of high importance. The first stone i chose to use is my favourite: Amazonite. This stone is all about Calm and Hope which has been something that has helped guide me through the 6 months of this course. I look forward to exploring this collection with more stones and see how its meaning can evolve and change.

The process of creating the elements in this collection was one of continual trial and error, with lots of small sketches in the margins of my daily lists to full sessions of mapping out all the elements i wanted to include and how they relate to each other.

When designing and creating jewellery, there are so many factors that need to be considered and it’s a balancing act of concept, aesthetics, construction and wearability. The textures chosen in this collection accentuate the moon theme and let the colour of the stone pop. All specifically chosen to bounce off and enhance each other.

If you would love to see the progress of the creation of the first Pendant in this Collection, check out our Reel on Instagram here.

I have loved the journey of this collection and look forward to seeing how it evolves. If you need one of these pieces in your life be sure to grab them quick as each stone has a limited quantity.

Please share what you connected with most about this collection either here or on our Instagram or Facebook pages.

See you soon

Corinne xx

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