We all have some candles around the house or hidden in a cupboard, but not as many of us really use candles to level up our intentions and manifest some magic into our lives.

I know the sound of candles and magic can get a bit out there for some but you have been using candles as a way to manifest every birthday even before you knew how to make a wish! Birthday candles are the ultimate candle magic ritual but why leave it to once a year when you can make your wishes known to the universe any day you like.

Candles are such a useful tool to focus, centre and achieve great things. Do you ever wonder why you feel calmer in a candle lit room or by firelight? There is something about fire and flame that can really change our perspective


Whether you are using our wish candles or ones you have acquired elsewhere, here are a few things you might want to consider before buying candles. Some waxes – particularly paraffin wax can be ridden with chemicals (i.e. petroleum) that are not good for you to breathe in so be sure to find soy wax or beeswax candles to look after your own health and that of your family.

Also be mindful of synthetic fragrances and try to choose candles that don’t have a fragrance or ones that only use essential oils. I personally am so sensitive to synthetic fragrances that i predominantly use candles without a fragrance and use my diffuser for scenting my space.


Any time you are using a tool to help manifest, it is important to cleanse it first. There can be many hands that you candle has passed through before it gets to you, so you want to make sure that all the energy going into the intention is your own and not that of anyone else.

There are many many ways you can cleanse your candles. My favourite way is to use smoke, i use a sage or incense smoke to cleanse my candle before using. Another easy way is Selenite – you can simply leave your candles with some selenite for a few hours and it will be ready to go. The last of my go to cleansing tool is sound. A small bell or chimes are the perfect way to resonate over the candle and cleanse it our its past.


There is something I find really fascinating about colour. I am one who has a go to colour palette and i find that the energies of the colours i wear are pretty true to my personality – purple for spirituality, intuition and the mystical and blue – calm, tranquility and truth. So when choosing what colour you want to work with, it’s all about attracting the energy of that colour. Listed below is a brief overview of the colours and meanings in our Full Candle Pack.

PINK: Love and Intimacy
RED: Passion
ORANGE: Creativity and Inspiration
YELLOW: Joy and Happiness
GOLD: Sun, Masculine and Prosperity
SILVER: Moon, Feminine, Subconscious
PURPLE: Intuition and Spirituality
LIGHT BLUE: Clarity and Calm
BROWN: Earth, grounding and protection
GREEN: Abundance and Growth
WHITE: Clarity (can be substituted for any other colour)

When in doubt about choosing which colours to go for, White is universal and can be used in place of any other colour. Also, look to your birth chart and see what elements are present. I personally have no earth signs in my chart so when i am feeling unbalanced and scattered I will tap into that energy, otherwise I have lots of water in my chart so feel most drawn to those colours as they are familial energies.

To have a range of choice, check out our Full Candle Pack for a selection of coloured wish candles and candle holder to start your manifesting with candles journey.

To see your birth chart, check out astro-charts.com


Anointing a candle – also known as dressing a candle is where you use oil and/or herbs to level up your intention. This is a next level step so if you feel called to do so, just skip this and go to the intention setting step.

Choose an oil that has a similar meaning to your intention or whatever oil you have or feel drawn to. Rub the oil from the middle to the top, then from the middle to the bottom. If you want to add herbs, roll the candle in the herbs so that they stick to the oil. Please make sure you have a fire proof dish before burning as these parts can fly away a bit. If you are using a glass jar candle, place your herbs in the top of the jar.


Words have so much power in manifesting and when setting your intentions, speaking your goals is important to get clear on what you want to achieve.

Before you light your candle, speak your intention on to the candle, close enough that your breath touches it. You can speak it as an Affirmation or as an intention, however you feel connected to the words.

Writing your intention and burning it can also have power to bring it into being. Write, burn it (in a fire safe container) and let the universe take hold.


Now you are ready to light that baby! Preferably you want to be able to burn it the whole way through which is why i love using Wish candles specifically as they burn in about 1 1/2 – 2 hours which is for me, my morning work session, moon ritual or bath time that way i can manifest while doing things i usually do. When there is a big intention, i will level up the candle size and burn all day.

Rituals can be a great way to use candles if this is something that you practice. One of the simplest will be setting an intention on the new moon and releasing things that don’t serve you on a full moon. I know that is where i started and have now expanded on it to include a daily intention on days i need more focus and concentration.

I know all that might sound really complicated, but this practice can be so simple. If all you do is cleanse, set your intention and light it, then you are still going to be able to reap the benefits of this practice.

For all your candle and cleansing needs, check out our Spiritual Tools category.

If you would love to learn more about Candle Magic, Magical prosperities of herbs, see the references below.

I would love to hear how you use candles to manifest your intention, please comment or send me an email to asilvercircledesign@gmail.com

Love, Light and Magic!



Candle Magic by Lucya Starza
Encyclopedia of Magic Herbs by Scott Cunningham