A Silver Circle

Crystals can add so much to our home both in the beauty they bring but also through their high vibe energy. Placing certain crystals in specific parts of your home can help enhance areas of your life, create more harmony in those spaces, as well as cleansing or protecting the space.

So here are my top picks for the crystals I use in my home and where I place them.

Selenite: This is the master cleanser! This stone is perfect for anywhere you keep your crystals or jewellery. I love adding a piece of Selenite to my jewellery box as it will cleanse the crystals within the jewellery when they are not on, ready to vibrate highest for my next wear.

The other place I love to keep it is within my box of other crystals or spiritual tools such as a tarot or oracle deck.

Selenite is also a great addition to your living space or any other space that sees a lot of visitors as it will cleanse the space each time the visitors leave so lingering energy is present and you can relax in your space once more.

Grab a piece of Selenite HERE

Amethyst: This is an anywhere is good crystal however my favourite places for this is in my Meditation space and my living room. This crystal is great for improving your connection to your intuition so I make sure to have it close by for when i am in a frame of mind that is more receptive to those energies.

For raw cut Amethyst pieces click HERE, for amplified energy Amethyst Point/Generators click HERE

Clear Quartz: This is the our amplifying crystal! This is the one that is great to move around your space and to add to other crystals in order to enhance the energy of the other crystals. So if you are wanting to amp up your Abundant energy, add this to your Citrine or Pyrite Stone.

It also makes a great addition to your bathroom as it has a good cleansing clearing energy that can help those shower epiphanies! Adding a clear quartz to your dining space can also help clarity in communication as you share you meal with loved ones.

I also keep one on my bedside along with Amazonite and Rose Quartz (see below) to enhance their calming loving and healing energies.

Grab your Clear Quartz StoneHERE or amp up the focus with a Clear Quartz Point/Generator HERE

Black Tourmaline: This crystal is our master protector! Place near the front and back door of your home to protect you from negative energies and intruders.

Also great to have this stone in an area where you are channeling energy for rituals or ceremonies as it will protect you from any energies that wish to do you harm or be a little mischievous.

Grab your raw chunk of Black Tourmaline HERE or for more amplification pick up a Point/Generator HERE


Citrine: The abundance attractor! This crystal is an essential and one of the first crystals i started using in specific places in my home.

In Feng Shui principles the Money Corner is the furthest left hand corner of the home or room from the front door. Placing a citrine in that corner can enhance you luck in money and prosperity. You can also use Pyrite instead if you choose.

I like to double up and keep a citrine in both the money corner of my house as well as the money corner of my studio.

Grab a raw piece of Citrine HERE

Rose Quartz: Let the love in! The amazing energy of this crystal is another one you can use in so many ways. Great for love both self love and romantic as well as healing, this crystal is the perfect bedside companion – particularly if you are having a hard time or suffering a loss.

In Feng Shui principles the Love Corner is the furthest right hand corner of the home or room from the front door. So keeping a Rose Quartz in that place can enhance the love energy within the space.

Grab a raw Rose Quartz HERE or the more concentrated energy of the Point/Generator HERE

Amazonite: This is one of the crystals i have been most drawn to ever. The cool tones just made me feel calm and like anything is possible. For this reason I wear my Amazonite Ring everyday and have it in several places in my home.

The bedside is the main place i keep this crystal as it helps that relaxing energy take over as i prepare myself for sleep. I also love keeping it in my mediation space as it helps me stay calm while I do my morning ritual of Meditation, Morning Pages and some Yoga.

Pick up your own piece of Amazonite HERE

Apatite and Fluorite: These two on their own have some amazing concentration powers, but together they really pack a punch! Both of these crystals are the perfect companion to your home office, study space or anywhere that you need to concentrate.

Fluorite is the master of focus and concentration while apatite can release blocks and help us move forward to get shit done!

Apatite Points/Generators HERE or Fluorite Palm Stones HERE

A great way to jump start your crystal collection is to grab our Crystals for the Home Pack that gives you 6 essential crystals for the home at a great price. For those who need the more focus and attention in their office area, check out our Crystals for the Office Pack

I would love to hear how you place your crystals in your home and which ones are your favourites! There are so many energies here that can be used in so many ways, so follow your intuition and let that guide you to what works for you as it has to me.

Love and light

xx Corinne

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